If for any reason you aren’t 100% satisfied with your bag, you can exchange or return it to us for a quick and easy refund. All we ask is that you do it within 30 days from your purchase date and that it’s in its original, as-new condition with the tags still attached. You just need to cover the shipping costs to return the item.
Gift Cards and personalised products, including monogrammed items are final sale and nonrefundable.
We individually check each item before it leaves our warehouse to ensure it’s free from faults. We also take time to pack our items with care so they reach you safely. But occasionally, mistakes do happen. If you believe your item is faulty or has been damaged in the post, please take some photos of the issue and contact us here so we can arrange a return and replacement as quickly as possible.
We’ll provide a full refund via your original payment method. Please note that any shipping fees you’ve paid aren’t refundable (if it wasn’t free shipping) as well as the shipping cost to return the item to us for refund.
Exchanges are super easy and for Australian customers the first exchange is at no cost to you. We’ll send you a prepaid label to return the original item and as soon as this is received, we’ll ship the replacement item to you.
If there is a price difference between the original item purchased and the one you wish to exchange it with: we either refund the difference via your original payment method or we’ll send you an invoice for the additional changes.